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  • 课题组参加2020年上海地区医用生物材料学术研讨会

  • 课题组参加2019年上海地区医用生物材料学术研讨会

  • 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院/上海市伤骨科研究所 崔文国教授来课题组学术交流

  • 祝贺2019届研究生顺利通过硕士论文答辩

祝贺范寅清博士的文章被Polymer杂志接收   2015-09-08
祝贺课题组张坤玺博士后的文章被Biomaterials接收   2015-09-07
祝贺课题组张坤玺博士后获得国家自然科学基金青年基金   2015-09-07
祝贺课题组2015届同学硕士学位论文答辩顺利完成    2015-02-04
祝贺课题组方建军博士后的文章被Journal of materi...   2014-11-28
本条新闻正在更新   2014-11-21
美国波士顿大学周来生教授访问我校并作学术报告   2014-10-28
祝贺课题组颜世峰老师的文章被Biomacromolecules杂...   2014-10-11
“融合多学科,创新高分子”-2015年全国高分子学术...   2014-10-05
中科院上海硅酸盐所常江研究员来我课题组学术交流   2014-09-27
共105条  6/11 



Zhang, Weijun;Yu, Meilin;Cao, Yongqiang;Zhuang, Zihan;Zhang, Kunxi*,;Chen, Dong*,;Liu, Wenguang*,;Yin, Jingbo*. An anti-bacterial porous shape memory self-adaptive stiffened polymer for alveolar bone regeneration after tooth extraction. BIOACTIVE MATERIALS.2023,21,450-463.(IF=14.593)

Pengfei Xia, Meilin Yu, Jianjun Fang, Yan Gong, Shifeng Yan, Guifei Li, Dong Chen*, Jingbo Yin*. Microcarriers containing “Hypoxia-engine” for simultaneous enhanced osteogenesis and angiogenesis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 456, 141014. (IF=16.744)

Pengfei Xia, Meilin Yu, Minglu Yu, Dong Chen*, Jingbo Yin*. Bacteria-responsive, cell-recruitable, and osteoinductive nanocomposite microcarriers for intelligent bacteriostasis and accelerated tissue regeneration. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 465, 142972. (IF=16.744)

Shuyun Wang, Hongjie Yu, Guangsheng Wan, Haowei Fang, Jinxia Mi, Wenqian Xu, Kexiang Sun, Kunxi Zhang*, Jingbo Yin*, Wanli Deng*. Highly tough and elastic microspheric gel for transarterial catheter embolization in treatment of liver metastasis tumor. Regenerative Biomaterials, 2023, 10, rbad026. (IF=5.763)

Tuhe Shi, Dongyang Niu, Jiahui You, Shuang Li, Guifei Li, Kaixuan Ren, Shifeng Yan*, Guohua Xu*, Jingbo Yin*. Injectable macro-porous chitosan/polyethylene glycol-silicotungstic acid double-network hydrogels based on “smashed gels recombination” strategy for cartilage tissue engineering. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023, 233,123541. (IF=8.03)

Weiyan Sun,Jiahui Zhang,Yechi Qin,Hai Tang,Yi Chen,Weikang Lin,Yunlang She,Kunxi Zhang*,Jingbo Yin*,Chang Chen*.A Simple and Efficient Strategy for Preparing a Cell-Spheroid-Based Bioink.Advanced healthcare materials,2022,pp.e2200648.(IF=9.933)

Liangfa Qi,Chenlu Zhang,Bo Wang,Jingbo Yin,and Shifeng Yan*.Progress in Hydrogels for Skin Wound Repair,Macromolecular Bioscience,2022,2100475.(IF=4.979)

Xi Yu,Feng Lin,Pengqiang Li,Shifeng Yan,Kunxi Zhang",Wenguo Cui",Jingbo Yin*.Porous scaffolds with enzyme-responsive Kartogenin release for recruiting stem cells and promoting cartilage regeneration.Chemical Engineering Journal,2022,447,137454.(IF=13.273)

Shixi Zhang,Yuqing Pan,Zhiyuan Mao,Jiahui Zhang,Kunxi Zhang*,Jingbo Yin*,Chen Wang*.Hyaluronic acid-g-lipoic acid granular gel for promoting diabetic wound healing.Bioengineering&Translational Medicine,2022,e10402.(lF=10.684)

Lei Zhang,Hai Tang,Zijie Xiahou,Jiahui Zhang,Yunlang She,Kunxi Zhang",Xuefei Hu,Jingbo Yin* and Chang Chen*.Solid multifunctional granular bioink for constructing chondroid basing on stem cell spheroids and chondrocytes.Biofabrication,2022,14,035003.(IF=9.954)

Shuai Bu, Meilin Yu, Qin Chen, Dong Chen, Pengfei Xia, Guifei Li, Kunxi Zhang,Shifeng Yan*, Haimiao Wu*, Jingbo Yin*. Construction of poly-(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate) composite microcarriers with osteogenic and angiogenic properties for the restoration of alveolar bone defects. Composites Part B, Engineering 2022,242,110085.(IF=11.322)  

Kunxi Zhang*, Wei Zhao, Haowei Fang, Xi Chen, Yuhao Hong, Jingbo Yin*, Chen Wang*. Low-fouling Granular Hydrogel for Efficient Preparation and Delivery of Stem Cell Spheroids towards Wound Treatment. Composites Part B: Engineering,2022,246,110239.(IF=11.322)

Pengfei Xia, Shifeng Yan, Guifei Li, and Jingbo Yin*.Preparation of Assemblable Chondral and Subchondral Bone Microtissues for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2022,14,12089-12105.(IF=10.383)

Jiahui Zhang, Wei Xin, Yechi Qin, Yuhao Hong, Zijie Xiahou, Kunxi Zhang*,Peiliang Fu*, Jingbo Yin*.“All-in-one” zwitterionic granular hydrogel bioink for stem cell spheroids production and 3D bioprinting. Chemical Engineering Journal,2022,430,132713.(IF=13.273)

Tao Zhang, Wei Zhao, Zijie Xiahou, Xingwang Wang, Kunxi Zhang, Jingbo Yin∗.Bioink design for extrusion-based bioprinting. Applied Materials Today,2021,25,101227.(IF=10.383)

Bo Wang, Jia Liu, Dongyang Niu, Nianqi Wu, Wentao Yun, Weidong Wang, Kunxi Zhang, Guifei Li, Shifeng Yan*, Guohua Xu*, and Jingbo Yin*. Mussel-Inspired Bisphosphonated Injectable Nanocomposite Hydrogels with Adhesive, Self-Healing, and Osteogenic Properties for Bone Regeneration. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2021,13(28),32673-32689.(IF=9.229)


Pengfei Xia, Kunxi Zhang, Shifeng Yan, Guifei Li, Jingbo Yin*. Biomimetic, biodegradable, and osteoinductive Microgels with open porous structure and excellent injectability for construction of microtissues for bone tissue engineering, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021,414,128714.(IF=13.273)

Xi Yu,#, Yihui Hu,#, Luxiang Zou,#, Shifeng Yan, Huimin Zhu, Kunxi Zhang,*, Wenguang Liu,*, Dongmei He* and Jingbo Yin,* A Bilayered Scaffold with Segregated Hydrophilicity-Hydrophobicity Enables Reconstruction of Goat Hierarchical Temporomandibular Joint Condyle Cartilage. Acta Biomaterialia 2021, 121, 288–302.

  Zijie Xiahou, Yunlang She, Jiahui Zhang, Yechi Qin, Guifei Li, Lili Zhang, Haowei Fang, Kunxi Zhang*, Chang Chen*, Jingbo Yin*. Designer Hydrogel with Intelligently Switchable Stem-Cell Contact for Incubating Cartilaginous Microtissues, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 40163-40175.

Shuai Bu, Shifeng Yan* ,Ruanfeng Wang, Pengfei Xia, Kunxi Zhang, Guifei Li, Jingbo Yin*. In Situ Precipitation of Cluster and Acicular Hydroxyapatite onto Porous Poly(γ-benzyl‑L‑glutamate) Microcarriers for Bone Tissue Engineering. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020,250,206-209.


Yuhao Hong, Jialin Chen, Haowei Fang, Guifei Li, Shifeng Yan, Kunxi Zhang*, Chen Wang, Jingbo Yin*. All-in-One Hydrogel Realizing Adipose Derived Stem Cell Spheroids Production and in Vivo Injection via “Gel-Sol” Transition for Angiogenesis in Hind Limb Ischemia. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 10, 11375-11387.

Kunxi Zhang, Jie Wu, Weijun Zhang, Shifeng Yan, Jianxun Ding, Xuesi Chen, Lei Cui * and Jingbo Yin *. In-situ formation of hydrophobic clusters to enhance mechanical performance of biodegradable poly (L-glutamic acid)/poly (ɛ-caprolactone) hydrogel towards meniscus tissue engineering. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2018, 6.7822-7833.

Weijun Zhang, Kunxi Zhang,* Shifeng Yan, Jie Wu and Jingbo Yin*. A tough and self-healing poly(L-glutamic acid)-based composite hydrogel for tissue engineering. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2018, 6,6865-6876.DOI: 10.1039/c8tb01981a

Yan, Shifeng; Wang, Weidong; Li, Xing ; Ren, Jie; Yun, Wentao; Zhang, Kunxi; Li, Guifei; Yin, Jingbo.Preparation of mussel-inspired injectable hydrogels based on dual-functionalized alginate with improved adhesive, self-healing, and mechanical properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6,6865-6876.

Kunxi Zhang, Haowei Fang, Yechi Qin, Lili Zhang, and Jingbo Yin. Functionalized scaffold for in-situ efficient gene transfection of MSCs spheroids towards chondrogenesis. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10,33993-34004.

Weijun Zhang, Kunxi Zhang,* Guifei Li, Shifeng Yan, Lei Cui and Jingbo Yin*. Effects of large dimensional deformation of a porous structure on stem cell fate activated by poly(L-glutamic acid)-based shape memory scaffolds. Biomaterials Science.2018,6,2738-2749.

Shifeng Yan, Pengfei Xia, Shenghua Xu, Kunxi Zhang, Guifei Li, Lei Cui,*and Jingbo Yin*.Nanocomposite Porous Microcarriers Based on Strontium Substituted HA-g-Poly(gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate) for Bone Tissue Engineering. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 16270-16281.

Lili Zhang, Haowei Fang, Kunxi Zhang,* and Jingbo Yin* . Homologous Sodium Alginate/Chitosan-Based Scaffolds, but Contrasting Effect on Stem Cell Shape and Osteogenesis. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 6930-6941.

Pengfei Xia, Kunxi Zhang, Yan Gong, Guifei Li, Shifeng Yan, Jingbo Yin*. Injectable stem cell-laden open porous microgels that favour adipogenesis: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces, 2017, 9(40).34751-34761.

Long Gao, Zhongyue Huang, Shifeng Yan, Kunxi Zhang, Shenghua Xu, Guifei Li, Lei Cui* and Jingbo Yin*. Sr-HA-graft-poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate) Nanocomposite Microcarriers: Controllable Sr2+ Release for Accelerating Osteogenenisis and Bony Nonunion Repair. Biomacromolecules, 2017, 18(11).3742-3752.

Kunxi Zhang, Li Song, Jia Wang, Shifeng Yan, Guifei Li, Lei Cui*and Jingbo Yin*. Strategy for constructing vascularized adipose units in poly(l-glutamic acid) hydrogel porous scaffold through inducing in-situ formation of ASCs spheroids. Acta Biomaterialia. 2017, 51, 246–257.

Kunxi Zhang, Shiming He, Shifeng Yan, Guifei Li, Danqing Zhang, Lei Cui*andJingboYin*. Regeneration of hyaline-like cartilage and subchondral bone simultaneously by poly(Lglutamic acid) based osteochondral scaffolds with induced autologous adipose derived stem cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine. ISSN: 2050-7518. 2016, 4(15):2628-2645

Shifeng Yan*, Xin Zhang, Kunxi Zhang, Hao Di, Long Feng, Guifei Li, Jianjun Fang, Lei Cui*, Xuesi Chen*andJingboYin*. Injectable in situ forming poly(L-glutamic acid) hydrogels for cartilage tissue engineering. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2016, 4, 947-961.

Kunxi Zhang, Shifeng Yan, Guifei Li, Lei Cui*,JingboYin*. In-Situ Birth of MSCs Multicellular Spheroids in Poly(L-glutamic acid)/Chitosan Scaffold for Hyaline-like Cartilage Regeneration.Biomaterials, 2015, 71, 24-34.

Guifei Li, Jie Wu, Bo Wang, Shifeng Yan, Kunxi Zhang, Jianxun Ding, andJingboYin*. Self-Healing Supramolecular Self-Assembled Hydrogels Based on Poly(l-glutamic acid). Biomacromolecules.2015, 16, 3508-3518.

Yinqing Fan, Jun Zhu, Shifeng Yan, Xuesi Chen*,JingboYin*.Nucleating effect and crystal morphology controlling based on binary phase behavior between organic nucleating agent and poly(L-lacticacid) Polymer. 2015, 67, 63-71.

Jianjun Fang, Qi Yong, Kunxi Zhang, Wentao Sun, Shifeng Yan, Lei Cui * andJingboYin*. Novel injectable porous poly(γ-benzyl-L-glutamate) microspheres for cartilage tissue engineering: preparation and evaluation. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015,3, 1020-1031 .

Yan Shifeng, Wang Taotao, Feng Long, Zhu Jie, Zhang Kunxi, Chen Xuesi*, Cui Lei*,JingboYin*. Injectable in situ self-crosslinking hydrogels based on poly(L-glutamic acid) and alginate for cartilage tissue engineering. Biomacromolecules.2014, 15, 4495-4508.

Jianjun Fang, Yun Zhang, Shifeng Yan, Zhiwen Liu, Shiming He, Lei Cui*,JingboYin*. Poly(l-glutamic acid)/chitosan polyelectrolyte complex porous microspheres as cell microcarriers for cartilage regeneration. Acta Biomaterialia.2014, 10, 276-288.




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